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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 19, 2023


As far as we know. Could be mitm servers

You’re not James Bond. Or a 1337 haxx0r. This technology isn’t even new. Why are you stanning this guy? It’s an assinine position to take.

Great, now hackers and spies can detect my typing instead of using RATs or Trojans or packet sniffers, or just beating me with a $5 wrench (XKCD)


The trick, which takes advantage of the subtle acoustics created by tapping different keys on a computer, works even without a view of the computer’s keyboard, so long as the hacker has a line-of-sight view of any relatively reflective portion of the target laptop.

So… Closing the curtains is all it takes to defeat this amazing technological method. GG.

The method that Cap_able has patented allows the wearer to incorporate the algorithm into the fabric of the clothing and still look stylish.

I was with you up until the stylish bit

I still don’t want advertisers to know if their ads were effective on me

Is there anything actually interesting on it, or is it all just drugs and CP like the onion darknet?

And yet by law in some places (the US being one, I believe) they are treated as people, with certain rights.

Personally this would be the exact reason that would stop me from signing up for a new messaging service.

Yes, your baby is special and amazing. To you.

Did you buy your phone from eBay or amazon? Could be a refurbished overseas model

The thing about exploits is that they can exist without there being a wider knowledge of them; that’s the nature of the beast. So I play it safe.

Plus, for 5 cents’ worth of masking tape you’ve solved the problem, so why bother even thinking about it.

May I ask why you put a creative commons licence link in all your comments? Is it because of Reddit’s recent activities?

Its great that it’s secure and open source etc but do the people who come up with all of these new social networks understand the onboarding cost?

I love Linux and open source, but there’s no point using something like this unless my friends and family are too. They won’t log in just to see one person’s posts. They barely understand Facebook as it is, they’re not going to learn a new app.

If it’s something like Twitter where the point is to follow and share with strangers then maybe, but you’re asking way too much of your users if you expect them to migrate their entire family and friend groups onto the twentieth competing social platform when there’s already several apps that they’ve signed up for / gotten used to / invested time in / posted to.

Not even Google could compete with FB.

Obligatory xkcd: https://xkcd.com/927

Remember remember the fifth of November,

When Guy Fawkes took the fall.

Be sure to wear your mask from now on,

They can’t arrest us all

Buy an older car and spend the extra money on replacing and upgrading components.

XP wasn’t the prettiest but damn, it was rock solid.

Using Linux now is like using windows before it got bad.

No forced online accounts, no bloatware or ads, no forced subscriptions, runs amazingly even on old hardware. Full functionality with full customization and no forced apps. I can do whatever I want with it.

Windows 7 was really the last windows version like this, and has since gone to shit.

This is the right attitude, my friend, for real.

I’m a teacher and have guided students down this path before. Tech rights are important, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Surveillance is not security.

Buying that cheapo Linux lappy and running it on the down-low sounds like the best bet. Don’t draw attention to it and you’ll be fine.

The ethics of what you use it for is up to you: choose wisely. But simply wanting privacy is not a crime.

Graphene on a pixel 5 here my brother

Here’s a website for a newspaper that I was trying tonread earlier. See if you can spot any actual text from the article.