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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 23, 2024


I’m not sure if there’s a limit, i hope not lol

How does protonmail make it tedious? I use ProtonPass and it creates a new email for me in one click and I dont pay for protonmail. Every newsletter or account i register uses a new email that are forwarded to my protonmail

If you’re on ios you can use the Archive Page Extension to easily create an archive to view and share the article https://apps.apple.com/us/app/archive-page-extension/id6446372766

Or Praxis Browser if you just want to read it (you click on it from the share menu in whatever browser you use snd itll open popup with the article available to read) https://apps.apple.com/us/app/praxis-browser/id1598706451

No they wont theyll go to instagram reels since it already is a tiktok clone on an app they already use and already has an algorithm and an infrastructure and is easy to use. Theyll just be fed alt right and anti vax propaganda now instead of all the leftist in depth videos with sources on tiktok that consistently go viral

The fediverse has less than 10M users. Tiktok has a billion. It doesnt compare. Its like saying we should allow banning newspapers or radio because people will still share information over phone calls

They currently allow unlimited vods that are hours long that provides zero revenue. They could disable that and instead allow 30 minutes of edited vods or video uploads and have ads on them to make money

Twitch could. Still wild they don’t allow editing vods or uploading videos.

It’s sad they haven’t made it so anyone can use it

Faircamp is being worked on. No ActivityPub but the developer is considering it


Am i the only one that doesnt trust Matrix? Something about it makes me suspicious