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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


The extensions revamp that they did killed most of the really cool extensions. At that point, there was really no point in staying with Firefox.

Nothing short of prolonged mass boycotting nintendo has any chance of changing their behavior and even then I bet nintendo would ride all the way into the ground blaming emulators and pirates for their decline.

I have an nvidia card too. As far as the graphics card driver not working, if you are running Ubuntu or something similar, the OS does not install all the dependencies for the graphics card driver correctly unless you force the installation of packages that were held back. And if you’ve made multiple attempts at this, you’re probably going to need to remove the prior installation attempts first.

You fool! You own an nvidia card! The nouveau driver WILL result in 1/30th the fps that the proprietary card will if it works at all with vulkan.

In other words, it’d be fucking unplayable.

Also “it broke my system” is vague. What did you do and what was the exact result?

I know that. The point was to show how absurd what they said was. And they could have said they were streamlining their business or whatever euphamism they want to use instead of lying about how profitable they are. And their investors probably would have taken that better than the company claiming that theyre “spending more than they earn.”

How the fuck do you manage to lose money with all those microtransactions from whales AND selling games with no physical media for 60+ dollars a pop!? I guess the cocaine and hookers wont pay for themselves.

My favorite is when you google a problem, find a relevant forum thread where someone else seemingly has the exact same issue as you do and the only comment is something like “nm fixed.”

The only way I could see it making sense is if the courts had reason to think that she lied.

Reddit data as in what? All my posts? What brand of chewing gum they think I prefer?