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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


What ads are you talking about?

Do shortcode text messages work from other companies? If not, it’s a device/carrier problem.

Is this your first time venturing on to Patreon? The YouTube channel cold ones makes $84k a month from Patreon and they just get drunk, smash shit, and play video games.

Blocking is far better on the VPN routing level then bothering with a browser extension.

The 3 ad trackers are also in that cookie count with jsdelivr. But no it does not break it down into separate sections.

Mobile safari even blocked more than this website found.

Interesting. I’d like to find what you’re looking for and compare what shows on mine.

I thought most of the modern browsers had this ability built in?

What’s your absolute must needs? I’m on iOS but Voyager (android as well) has been my top choice for a while now even beating out apps I’ve paid lifetime subscriptions for because the developers disappeared or have been extremely quiet. I like Thunder a lot too. It’s missing key features I like in Voyager but I love its design and how smooth it is.

Maybe run a virtual machine and only do your work within that. On iOS you can virtualize almost every OS with UTM. I’m not familiar with it on android but guarantee it’s a possibility. Or create a Linux live usb… get a cloud pc. Seems like there’s tons of options.

It does a combined creator feed. So if you subscribe to a Patreon or whatever it can be on your feed with their normal free stuff.

That’s what I got from the website. Looks cool but I’m on iOS.

This is built in to the system either with the three dots in the top right when viewing a photo or by tapping options when using the share menu. What about using an iPhone is not good for privacy? Like any other device it’s about how you have it setup and how you use it. Privacy is the default in quite a few areas.

What keeps you from using the built in support?

Local with Plex and Plex amp was my best experience. It’s really well done.