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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


It’s far more useful for them to maintain that image while essentially acting as a giant Room 101 for the entire internet. The three letter agencies, the fusion centers, and the Five Eyes of this world caneasily just parallel construction their way into what ever legal shenanigans they need.

Why use a catch all when you can configure postfix to use _ as a separator instead of +. and then you can configure dovecot to automatically classify the selector into directories!

I don’t know about our mountains, but our cops sure love blowing stuff up. Sometimes even themselves!

Prosody is also a great server with a ton of functionality.

For the tech crowd I think Signal was just very enticing as it was easy to convert non techies with smart phones. That’s the discovery arguement, but I find that point moot since a properly configured setup should allow one to use the same address as ones email address for XMPP (much like gtalk). Now signal claimed to have social graph anonimity, but for the longest time that was not true at all for a state sponsored adversary (it has technically improved but I’m not 100% sure that is true in practice).

There is a XEP for server side history, it’s been around since 2012: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0313.html

XMPP died for no good reason, we absolutely should be bringing it back instead of trying to reinvent the wheel again and again unsuccessfully.

Define “modern features”?

HTTP is old too, what’s your point? It get’s constant updates via XEPS, and currently runs: WhatsApp, Messenger, Zoom, iMessage, and more. It’s perfectly capable. And offers federation out of the box.

The single reason XMPP died off in the tech crowd is that Signal killed it.

I believe they use a special camera for this, if you opt out you don’t go in front of it. But s, yes, surely there’s a ton of other facial recognition in airports using security cameras and stuff. Total Domain Awareness is everywhere. But every bit counts.

On Android for example, trim only runs every 24h, if the battery is above a certain charge level, and maybe some.other conditions. So it’s not entirely bulletproof either. Recent things can be recovered.

You absolutely can opt out of facial recognition at the TSA! But you have to be on your guards and make sure you request it! They might fake not knowing so you should insist!

Better I don’t know, but it’s ran by Peter Sundee (aka brokep).

Doesn’t change much for a correlation attack though if you already suspect a small subset of endpoints.

Actually this technique would be a lot more useful using a VPN due to correlation attacks.

Another brand you might want to look into is Reolink. Whether it’s just for the cameras (with something like frigate & home assistant) or cameras and NVR combo.

because the English are pussies

You spelled complicit wrong…

I’ll allow it, in fact here in Quebecistan we call Cuba comrades. Always have. One of our favorite vacation destination too.

Yeah it ain’t new. Daniel has been a shithead from the start. You should have seen the drama in the copperhead os and the linux-hardened IRC channels. But also with his old business partner who he dragged in the mud for no good reason.

He’s also a huge part of the reason, with other KSPP folks, why Spender went private with GRSEC. A huge loss for the Linux world.

Can I host my own service?

Sure you can. Bind isn’t super difficult.

It’s one of the metrics used to build unique identifiers (amongst many many others).

Forget eastern Europe, that’s the whole premise of Five Eyes. The UK spies on American citizens and gives it to the NSA, and vice versa.

Home assistant declared this year to be the year of the voice. There’s a ton of development happening to achieve this with full local control.

I’ll believe it when it see it. Meanwhile they’ve made it way harder to get absolute non tech old people to use the app for doubious reasons.

what good does maximum privacy when you don’t do anything with it?

There is absolutely something to be said about increasing the noise level for interesting signal. If only the people who truly have something to hide (activists, whistleblowers, journalists, etc) use privacy tools, then they stand out like a beacon in the night. If we all take the same measures they are much much harder to pin point.

SMS support was a big part of that. I could install Signal on my 70 year old mom’s phone and say “here, this is where you message people”. Sure she had a hard time distinguishing when a conversation was private, maybe. But that was irrelevant the people who used signal on the other hand knew. That move was truly awful. And now six months later here we are still without non phone number accounts. 😡

What? .com is generally around 10$/year and .me around 20$… In the grand scheme of things the cost of even the most expensive TLDs are inconsequential to a large operation like this.

Now if you’re talking about buying back a domain from someone, sure. But that’s a one time thing, and proton surely could afford tens of thousands of dollars if they wanted to.

XMPP is decentralized but XMPP has never been federated.

That is completely wrong though. Anyone can run an XMPP server and talk to any user on any other server. XMPP is fully federated.

I get that, but one of your requirement was privacy. As others have explained that is diametrically opposed to the core architecture of Discord, so if you want that requirement then that is your answer.

If you want something like NoScript, the creator of uBlock as another most excellent extension called uMatrix, which offers a dizzying level of granularity!

Maybe the doorbell/wifi cams are different but that is definitely not the case of my PoE cam. Never used the app, just using the RTSP stream.

Yes but both of them will work offline. Just don’t let it connect to the internet, that’s the whole point