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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Mar 03, 2024


League just doesn’t have that many ‘traditional’ cheaters and the game lends itself to server-side AC way more than most. The cheaters in League are more often win-traders at high elos and smurfs in low elos. Also lots of feeding and trolling. So I have no idea why they are adding Vanguard, a good reason to stop playing the game though.

League has a much bigger problem with smurfs and toxic behaviour than it does cheaters to be fair. Adding kernel anticheat to it is strange. There’s lots of account buying, sharing, win trading etc that is more prevalent and something vanguard cant fix, but Riot have never been good at focusing their efforts.

They are just looking for an argument/confrontation. It’s why I didn’t respond further.

There’s still plenty of BF3 servers popping. Unfortunately not a lot of rush. Rush made that game, but for some reason people want to play conquest on it instead…

Yup. But its the latest ‘buzzword’ in anti-cheat, so we keep getting more of them instead of time being spent developing other potential solutions.

What do you think, considering I was replying to a comment with a proposed solution?

Kernel level AC has got to go, any sort of invasive AC does.

There’s a lot of companies that violate GDPR, but people generally don’t complain, so they get away with it.