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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 14, 2023


I’m not talking about the ideology here, I’m talking about the linguistics of it all, specifically about the word “Nazism”. 😊

He’s my generation. That’s what we did in the dawn of the internet when web email was new and shit. Everybody has “coolname87” “dogshit89”, “hipguy88” as their username. It’s not such a wild idea.

Tangential: shouldn’t it be “Naziism”? Like, in “Nazi” the “i” belongs to “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei”, or the “Natio—” part. But shouldn’t there be another “i” that goes with the “ism” suffix, so “Naziism”? Am I thinking about it in the wrong way?

That’s so weird! Just like when my dentist calls me to an appointment when I’ve had a cavity for six years! Incredible! Just when I need to fill it!