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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Are you sure your are running nvidias drivers? Not the generic ones?

Good to know this… I’ve been messing around with arch, and endeavor. I noticed it defaults to xorg.

I mostly use fedora. I never had an issue with my 1080 or laptops 1060… But those are old now…

Marketing use alone fucks the world up with peoples data.

Yeah… Not to burst your bubble but I don’t think security even exists. At least in USA.

Too bad if people arent willing to adapt. I guess you’ll just have to use paper notes and face to face contact, or whatever app your government makes. /S

🤢 I think I’m going to be sick. 🥴

I only use lubrewolf behind 7 VPNs.

Yes. I said LUBErewolf