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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


I wouldn’t see a reason to use Session over SimpleX

Why would you use mullvad browser if you’re not going to use mullvad vpn?

True, I wasn’t aware. Free accounts get deactivated after 6 months without login. They can only be reactivated using a paid account and the correct credentials.

Microsoft should go to hell. One of the most undeserved closures yet.

Sounds great! Still waiting for the self-hosting option though. Even with e2ee I don’t like giving control over my notes out of my hands. And locking things like Tags and Markdown export behind a subscription does not feel like a future-proof solution.

I would like to have that info for my own photos, but I don’t have location services on unless I need them anyway, so it would be pointless.

If it boots from USB, boot a different OS. But overall, preferrably use a different device.

That’s pretty cool. Works with FlorisBoard as well, and without internet. If you intend to use other languages than english you need to let it download some more stuff first.

I think the map part is separate, the regular results didn’t take my IP into account from what I can tell. But I can’t guarantee that of course. Otherwise you could also check out mojeek. From their about page:

We act on our own agenda and not that of others, this is why we focus our time on one thing and one thing only - “No tracking. Just Search.” When you conduct a search on Mojeek, your results are based entirely on the keywords you typed in. Mojeek does not possess any previous identifying information on you, such as IP addresses, search history or click behaviour.

This one. I haven’t tested it systematically but it works well enough for me. If I search just for ‘restaurants’, the map will use my location, but the regular search results are tripadvisor and opentable results for Chicago, Bronx, and Milwaukee, none of which are remotely close to me. 367a7cda-a957-404b-ad9e-21e3d2c9b804

Edit: Just realised the marking wasn’t saved, but the toggle is right above the map.

Duckduckgo has a toggle to disable location-based results though? You can also choose a different location if you want to.

Idk, I’d assume if I just delete the credit card and they can’t charge it, they’ll just keep sending me bills with increasingly insane late fees, effectively putting me in huge debt over time

If there’s any decent alternative to Google Cast, I’d love to know because I’ve never found one. You can use Kodi to receive links to Youtube videos and play them, and spotify hast their own built-in casting, but for everything else I’ve got nothing.