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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


Yep, me too. Unbelievable that it was LastPass, Authy and Gmail a few years ago. What a shift for me :-).

I’ve been using Kagi for a few months now. Before that I used Brave Search. With Brave search I had to use the g! bang every few searches. Now with Kagi I have maybe used it five times in total. It has so much better search results!

Which lossless streaming service do you consider to be better for privacy? Deezer, Tidal, …?

I’m using Qobuz. Since it is a rather small service, I just hope it is more private than the “big players” like Spotify/Apple Music. But the main benefits of Qobuz are the audio quality and the (afaik) highest payment per streamed song for artists.

Wow, I didn’t know about this. I think that’s a big reason for not choosing Apple…

I was a Nexus/Pixel user for a very long time (until the Pixel 5). But there is no more small Pixel so I “had” to switch to Samsung. The Pixel 8 could be an option although it is not really high end - I’d like to stay with 3 cameras for example.

Android vs. iOS
I have been an Android user for 13 years now. After using almost every Google service possible I am going down the privacy rabbit hole lately. Gmail -> Proton Mail, Chrome -> Firefox, Keep -> Notesnook, Google Search -> Kagi, ... I am currently using a Galaxy S23 with as few Google apps as possible (and focussing mainly on open-source apps). I am familiar with rooting (I was a CyanogenMod user back in the days), but today I want to use the phone without tinkering and problem solving. I also like to use a smartwatch and banking apps, so GrapheneOS is a no-go unfortunately. So it is "Stock" Android (or Samsung's Android ) vs. iOS for me. Is it better (in terms of privacy) to use an iPhone or stick with an Android phone with an system wide ad-/tracking Blocker (I use Adguard)? It seems there are more privacy-friendly/open-source apps on Android.

What’s still missing is an automatic upload function for specific folders (pictures, backups, …) from my Android phone. Then I would consider switching from Google Drive (I’m currently using an app called DriveSync for that).

I did the same some years ago. Just deleted WhatsApp and told everyone I was either available via Signal/Threema or via SMS/Mail. Most of my friends installed Signal alongside WhatsApp over the following weeks.

And this “worked” in a country with over 90 % WhatsApp users ;-).

So it is either closed-source with promised encryption (not verifiable) and a lot of meta data collection or open-source without encryption. Tough call. Signal would be best of both worlds, but it seems to be no alternative for you.

Since I don’t trust Meta with anything, I would use Telegram if I had to. But I would absolutely not be happy with it.

Try to convince the people around you to use Signal.