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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


The title specifies that it’s the apps that are open source.

I’m sorry but I won’t bother switching to a ultra-minor browser for having to toggle something in the settings once every 2 years after 500 articles pop up about it.

The only broken thing is very specific stuff like Slack calls. In fact, it’s the only broken thing I’ve seen in a long while. Also fuck Slack.

I swear this question comes up everyday in Lemmy 😅.

Firefox, I just use Firefox because, it works, it has enough privacy measures, and everyone is looking at the codebase, something that cannot be said about most (if not all) forks.

Telegram client is the only thing from them that’s open, so I would stick to that as it’s where most eyes are looking.

Worse than what? Fully featured chat, E2EE, can be self-hosted and federated. They have it all.

I was a Signal defender (although I still use it because it’s better than Telegram or WhatsApp) but now I’m more pushing for DeltaChat, Matrix and XMPP.

I’m just calling out your phrase saying that Telegram is not a messaging app, when it is. That is all.

But Telegram IS a messaging app? Their motto is literally “a new era of messaging”.

It works great these past few days, and I’ve used it today. It works. You might not use the latest version.

Don’t use F-droid official repos, use the NewPipe f-droid repo or the IzzyOnDroid one.

That downloads directly from YouTube, and for that the best Android app by far is NewPipe and its forks, like Tubular.

IMO, the best order for everything is:

  1. Piped (you can keep subs and playlists but watch from another instance, this is PERFECT when one instance gets limited)
  2. Invidious
  3. Tubular (NewPipe fork with sponsorblock)
  4. YouTube website

On Android, LibreTube (Piped) is the best IMO, you can log into some Piped server for subs and playlists, but select another instance for viewing, so you still get your subs and playlists even if you had to fall over to another instance to watch videos. I have 3 or 4 instances that I know generally work, so I switch between them whenever one gets limited or broken.

If YouTube changed something that breaks Piped, that’s when I try Clipious (Invidious), and if that is broken too, I go to Tubular (NewPipe fork with sponsorblock). Last resort is obviously YouTube website.

As long as you have a Google or Apple phone in your pocket… The car will actually not gather much more than your phone already does… So don’t overthink it.

Have you tried Heliboard? It’s open and has swyping (you have to download a binary blob).

Once you find out we’ve had fuzzy finders for 40 years your mind is going to be blown.

I am not saying AI is not useful. It will be an amazing use case to sprinkle some AI into fuzzyfinders, but don’t let it have everything that has ever been played on screen… Passwords, private windows, one-time messages… You must be very young if you don’t see the problems with that.

There is a reason why we have password protected folders and files, or how we keep some stuff locked online, or how we use private browser windows. And you want to feed all that to an AI.

Believe me, poor kids will save for an iPhone too. But yes, the Mac audience is a bit more professional, although I still know of a couple of dumbasses using Mac because of the aesthetics at Starbucks.

Yes! “Recents” works fine and doesn’t even need to record everything you’ve done and consume AI resources!

For asking about papers and so… You can do that with an AI crawler on your files!! No need to store a screenshot of everything you’ve ever done!

The deliverable thing, again, it can be done by directly looking up your files.

But no, somehow they went full spy instead. Companies will love to put this feature in their employee’s computers.

Wanna fire someone? Let’s see if they used their computer once for an unrelated-to-work task…

Now if someone gains access to your computer they’ll get everything that you didn’t think you even had! So great!!

Hi! I know many Apple users, and 100% of them bought it because “bro, it’s Apple”. It’s basically the “im not poor” message that the Apple logo gives. They don’t care about anything else aside that it’s Apple and it plays CandyCrush.

I am curious why you’d think that is a good idea. I find it absolutely useless, as anything that I’d like stored… We can already easily store. But recording EVERYTHING that happens in my computer??? What kind of data hoarding obsession is this?

That is a small vulnerability away of being the biggest mistake of your life, IMO.

Don’t worry, they’ll kill the project after naming it Chrome Recall, Google Recall, Google Watcher, GWatch (with chat), Chat&Watch, Google Watch (new) in the span of a year.

Oh, wow, that dude in the thread is proud in his ignorance.

In terms of the software compatibility, even if you dual boot Windows, always ask for Linux-compatible software.

What is your GoCryptFS/CryFS workflow for syncing (let’s say) Nextcloud encrypted folders on Android
I was using the Plasma Vaults feature for the first time on my Linux computer, and it worked nicely (GoCryptFS), but when I wanted to sync that folder on my Android... I just couldn't find the right tool on Android for the job. How do you solve this problem yourself?

No, a Pi-Hole would not work in this case, as suggestions are not “ads”, technically.

They probably did that by IP. Keep in mind that Google is an ad-company that makes money by profiling and Amazon wants you to buy their stuff. Of course Amazon gets info from Google to make more money out of you.

There might be a way to block Amazon recommendations, tho. Maybe even something officially supported, some kind of toggle in your profile config.

Also, don’t use YouTube directly, use Invidious or Piped, and this particular issue would be gone.

IMO, standard Firefox is pretty OK, so I’d rather use that than some weird derivative that has more chances of security issues, breakage, or development halt.

So, I have an issue with OrganicMaps and Magic Earth: maps are too old.

Is that true or am I crazy? I make a modification in OpenStreetMap and it shows up in Osmand in a few hours, but it takes months to show up elsewhere.

Am I doing something wrong or is this expected?

Let your girlfriend use your computer too and confuse the hell out of them. That is how I destroyed my Spotify recommendations.

MullvadVPN is great. It’s a no-bullshit VPN.