pending anonymous user

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


Just tell them unlock their phone so you can take a look of his browser history. Works quite a few time for me.

I have simplex notification service running 24x7. while rarely open, i never missed a message when it arrive (i use it as a message bridge between my devices). Nor I feel it uses more battery that it can’t hold a day of use despite it running constantly in the background. I’m using S21FE btw.

Define your criteria for an ideal messenger. What do you need actually? What’s your security requirement?

You sure you can train a model deterministically down to each bits? Like feeding them into sha256sum will yield the same hash?

Not just LLMs but all kinds of models are equivlant to freeware, aka the model itself and other essential bits for it to work. I won’t even call it source avaliable as there is no source.

Take redis as example. I can still go grab the source and compile a binary that works. This doesn’t applies on ML models.

Of course one can argue the training process isn’t determistic thus even with the exact training corpus, it can’t create the same model in terms of bits on mulitple runs. However, I would argue the same corpus provide the chance to train a model of similar or equivalent performance. Hence the openness of the training corpus is an absolute requirement to qualify a model being FOSS.

So you’re including free models like freeware, not FOSS only, by non big tech.

Your choice of models will be quite limited as the compute resource and training corpus needed to make a viable base model isn’t anyone can do.

What’s FOSS-AI? A model everyone can download and use for free? Or in the OSS spirit that everything need to be open and without discrimination of use, aka OSS training data corpus and no AUP attached?

Or you mean the inference engine running those models?

On features ZeroTier > Tailscale, but the existance of headscale and ionscale brings me back all because ZeroTierOne is BSL, aka not FOSS.

Consider the level privacy of an interoperable / federated network is only as good as the node with the lowest level of privacy. The moment you connect to Meta infra, you’re feeding it data, including but not limited to who you talked with, when you online, your message frequency, and possibly a whole lot more. Then they can start linking other bits to form a complete profile of you.

It is just slightly better than installing WA., and also part of tge reasons why many Mastodon and Lemmy server refuse to federate with Meta Threads.

May you explain how it is OSS when the license Section 2.1 doesn’t grant me the right to modify the code?

You sure? Section 2.1 miss an important keyword: modify. If I can’t modify and distribute my modified version, it can hardly call OSS.

Great. Seems Revolut is the choice then. Thanks for the recommendation!

It doesn’t look good with the hidden spyware listed on Wiki. I know Google is doing similar things but I would rather pick a less rotted apple.

Isn’t Asus disable the bootloader unlook and lost a case? I think I read this somewhere in Lemmy.

My Sony xz2c does have bloats installed, namely amazon and facebook. Don’t know what the state they’re in now tho.

I’m using wise now but all 3 quota are used for various places already.

Not too knowledge in crypto. Learn something new today.

Come back when it is accepted everywhere like cards today alternative for the UK & EU region
Recently I just hit by stolen card detail and makes me searching a virtual card service. Anyone knows any works in the UK and EU region? Apparently needs SSN to work now. Thanks.
50 alternative for the UK & EU region

Got it. I can see where the problem is niw and how can the hardware is limiting. Thanks for the great article.

Well, I’m simply reciting what is described on the page based on my understanding. From the diagram, it does not do raw frame processing from the source (assuming HDMI w/ HDCP) as the stream remains encrypted. By the look of it, it is copy or passthrough to the muxer (as it labeled). With some magic, it muxes two encrypted streams into one and output to the video sink. How is that done I have no idea.

It doesn’t and I didn’t ever mentioned HDMI in my reply. Just doubt if overlaying another encrypted stream with a muxer ever need that much processing power to the point of “prohibitively expensive”.

Overlay isn’t transcoding. All it need is a muxer like MKVToolNix. I doubt it need much processing power.

As OP said volume leveling is acceptable, something like this will do.

Modifying HDMI video signal is simply impossible due to DMCA and bla bla bla. But not all hope is lost though. You can overlay opaque video on top of another encrypted stream via this little box. This is an old project per se and I have no idea if still available, but with some dirty work you might able to detect the increase of volume or match of an algo or something with a total black screen overlay on top.

Yeah, for the pic you used as example, the tool will just create something that fits. Not really “unblur” the image but guess what it would be with the info it have. It will be very likely not the same face versus the original.

However, recreating background maybe easier and accurate enough for a geo guesser or a ML model to figure out roughly where the image was taken.

Security wise, maybe. You might be more protected against cred stuffing but reusing password on multiple services at the first place is already a big no no.

I do remember 1-2 years ago there is a paper (or model?) that reverse blured images. It’s similar to how ML based object remover and inpainting works. Granted it only works for specific blurring algo.

multiple email account? Not really. It is typically implemented using some email proxy or alias like anonaddy or simplelogin. By the look of it is multiple accounts, but in fact you’re just receiving mail forwarded to you in one account. All you have to do is append any strings as the user with your domain.

(anonaddy and simplelogin requires adhoc address generation using subdomain by them or a domain owned by you with MX records pointing to their servers)

disclosure: I’m a current customer of anonaddy. Never used simplelogin though.

If I’m the dev, I would scrape off Google Street View with cords as data source.

That I’m not surprised. Look how many companies are shoving apps down our throat while treating web browser users as second class citizens. My sister (21-30 age group) only know to use the “Google app” to search the web on her iPhone while Safari is pinned at the bottom and rarey uses it.

For not having some infra managing “cards”, to have some infra managing app instead. Let’s be real, that infra (and managing work) most likely is being out sourced to another company. I think the “efficiency gained” is minimal, but rather the cost to operate. With apps, they can recoup some cost by selling your data.

Can you please elaborate what you mean “web browser defined in 2024”? Thanks.

At least Whaysapp have the content encrypted

It’s on a different stack. Telegram (and VoIP) operates on the network stack, cellular call is working on the GSM/LTE stack. Networkin stack is more opened and free to do what you want; GSM/LTE stack have many proprietary tech that’s is not open to everyone.

Yes and no. Google put some limitation on the software side. For example, you can’t do call record unless you’re in a country isn’t two party consent.

Instead of fiddling with the limitation on Android set by Google, I think a custom crypto DAC/ADC would be far eaiser, though you need both hard and software knowledge to accomplish this. It also came with the added benefit of not processing cryptographic operations on a black box.

Still, I don’t know what goal you want to achieve and threat model is. If you are just curious if this possible, the answer will be ye with tons of hops amd hacks. If you really want security, I will advise you go another route.

Alternatives to PGP/GPG?
We all know PGP is old and got a myriad of problems, like key management. Thus, I'm looking for a **generic encryption and signing tool** that also available on mobile devices, both Android and iOS. I know age+minisign is the preferred choice but unfortunately there ain't an mobile app for them. I know Magic Wormhole is great for P2P data transfer but it's slow and not reliable. I often have corrupted files even the size is small. I would much rather encrypt locally, upload to GDrive, and share it. I know Signal, WhatsApp and other messaging apps now offers E2EE to exchange many data forms but the political sphere is shifting and given the current trend, they might forced to backdoor the protocol, drop E2EE entirely, or cease operation. Something independent from messaging tool is needed. I'm not seeking perfect forward secrecy as that wasn't achievable for non conversations use case unless parties manually negotiate a session key. I don't care the web of trust either. Putting PII on a key server for public viewing doesn't fit today's privacy trend. Nor anonymity. I'm talking to my family members and friends and I don't find a reason to hide that. The only thing matters is the content. While it will be great to follow some kind of widely used standards, it is not a requirement. Thanks for the input. **EDIT:** Added GPG to the title

How to persuade people around me switch to Matrix/Element?
Hello fellow c/privacy members. I'm not new to privacy related things but I had a hard time persuading my family members and friends to switch to Matrix/Element. It is a reponse to UK's Online Security Bill and Investigative Powers Act that may soon in effect. While it is just a preperation and planning in case those actually became law, I already face resistance from them. When I ask them would they switch, their first reaction is "Why one more app?" then follows with "That's cumbersome." or "I don't want to learn a new app." and suggest something more popular like Line, Telegram or Discord. Sometimes they would "Install WhatsApp because X is on there and he/she won't install one more app just for you." What can I do to persuade them to use a new platform? Thanks in advance. **EDIT**: I think I should elebroate more of what Online Security Bill and Investigative Powers Act does[1]. As far as I understand, OSB will break E2EE by require scanning data on client device, like CSAM but much more generic. IPA requires companies to submit security funcition to the government for approval before releasing, and disable such feature upon request. Apple[2], Single[3] and WhatsApp made the announancment of exiting the UK market totally or partically if two were signed into law. [1] [2] [3]