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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 16, 2022


cool can you point me at the repo for their server software then? and the f-droid reproducible build of their android app, or the sideloadable iOS app?

this cold war propaganda belongs in a museum

totally fair to be upset IMO. spare a thought for my friend whose gym rolled out mandatory fingerprint scanning for entry, then mandatory facial recognition a few months later (they cancelled their membership)

this just sounds even less believable: you’re in a jursidiction where the amount of data you have to store on students is exactly specified, and you’re liable to prosecution for storing any single piece of data less or more? I would appreciate extraordinary evidence for this extraordinary claim.

anyway, even if that’s true, you could be using your knowledge to help privacy-conscious students like OP, instead of throwing a rulebook at them and casting aspersions about their motivations. I return to “reconsider your views, and the impact of your job”.

pressing X to doubt that you only help keep information on students that you’re required to by law.

and, something being legally required doesn’t mean you need to enthusiastically support it in an online discussion.

trivialising a student’s desire for privacy as being about playing videogames is a lot more ridiculous than anything the OP said.

maybe rethink your uncritical support for surveillance, and either organise with your coworkers to make your school’s policies more respectful of its students, or find a less unethical job.