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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


What’s your objection to Proton? You don’t have to use any of the other products, and the free tier is perfectly usable last I checked (granted many years ago). Not sure what your concern is

Edit: downvoting without replying doesn’t tell us what the concern is. Y’all weird

That’s straight up the actions of the people who are the reason women need to think about privacy for real life reasons instead of just idealistic principles.

Being a creep will definitely affect your social life.

Can we stop doing videos as news and opinion please? They’re an inefficient, annoying, and intrusive way to communicate this kind of information. If it doesn’t need to be visual, it is in video format only for monetization reasons, which I’d think would be more concerning to this community.

Honestly I don’t know, but worth adding to your list to look into I imagine. I know they have children’s products, but I haven’t had occasion to poke into that myself. You’re still giving someone your (and your kid’s) data, but if what you’re looking for is an alternative to the Bluetooth tracking and mesh, and to Apple/Google, then solid GPS in comsumer devices seems like a good alternative product category to investigate.

Do let us know which way you go with this. It’s annoying that you can’t track your kid privately, I’d just never really thought about it before. Interested to see where you land!

Unfortunately most of the cheap trackers (airtags, tiles, etc) rely on networks of Bluetooth sniffing users, so less ubiquitous varieties will necessarily be less effective.

Even as privacy enthusiasts, my family and I have opted for Garmin products. Reliability in backwoods and off road situations is more important than privacy, and that calculation may apply to you even in urban settings given its a child you’re talking about. It’s a drag that you have to choose, but so it goes.

Me too, I had no idea. Though I have been part of the old cranky crowd that resisted Libby as long as possible in favour of Overdrive.

But without the social norms that constrain most of us to not be complete dicks all the time. So they’re like antisocial or sociopathic people.

And refolding a map is easier than navigating those psychotic infotainment thingies.

Same here but I’m using Firefox Relay instead of simple login. Will check that one out though.