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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Awesome. I tried to stick to the developer’s instance, but the captcha works too well.

Your recommendation is now my default, thanks! May you have a delightful meal.

Thanks! Failed like 7 times that IQ test with grainy pics, but the interface is good.

The fact that much of the project is discussed over Discord should be damning enough…

Don’t you think is damning that someone’s concern of privacy is handwaved because the data was “volunteered, not collected” ?

And, as a user, many of the AI features are limited at best and factually incorrect at worst. I would only salvage FastGPT and Quick Answer; they summarize the first 4 or 5 relevant links and contrasting views (even if it bases the whole search on a single Reddit comment from 2017).

Funnily enough the Universal Summarizer and Discuss Docs are the least reliable.

All in all, I am conflicted because it seemed like a pristine service and it’s getting clouded with time.

Is it just a bare bones websites that has only your email? Do you host it?

This is a non-post, as it doesn’t even bring its own analysis to the table. What are the valid concerns against card payments? What is so great about cash?

The convenience of card payments heavily outweighs the (i assume privacy) concerns. So what if anyone knows I stuffed myself with an unhealthy amount of chips? I keep my cash for things that don’t accept other ways of payment, like bus fare and my drug dealer.

I see your point, though. It isn’t solely applicable to this issue; any discussion is mudded by disagreeing just for the sake of rejecting anything anyone with an opposing view on a distinct and unrelated subject.