Arf! I’m Tony Bark. Artist and writer by day. Programmer by night. Gamer all the way.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


Don’t put words in my mouth, and drop it already. This argument has gone on long enough. It is inconsequential and pointless. No one is settling or agreeing to fucking anything.

I’ve given up trying to discuss this topic that’s already been downvoted to oblivion, anyway. But, if you’re curious, I was trying to get the point that Android is pretty useless without the whole Infrastructure Google built, but they kept making it about ASOP. As if the average Joe even knows what that is.

If we judge Android on its own, yes, it can be incredibly safe and secure for its open source abilities. But that conventionally ignores everything else. Google pushes Android forward, Google creates the SDKs, Google creates the IDEs, Google creates all the non-phone variants of the OS. Android isn’t on GitHub, it’s on Google’s servers. “Biggest contributor” is an understatement.

Fine. But you can’t obviously say Android is somehow better at privacy when its biggest contributor to the code and ecosystem is a fucking indecisive ad company.

It is on the subject of privacy. Chrome and Android are owned by the same company.

And it’ll be gone in two years.

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I’m sorry, what? Who wrote this?