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Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


It’s quite possible, although I’m inclined to blame it on turnover and pressures for deadlines

I’ve come to see software kinda like a plant. If you neglect it, it rots, because all software is contextual and the world moves on. If you keep growing it, it starts to rot from the inside. If you carve out down to something smooth and streamlined, it can last a long time and just need TLC to bounce back

Ultimately, if you want something to be big and to last, you have to prune it, transplant it, and continuously work on it. There’s no direct money to be made there though

And it helps a shit ton to have people around long-term. It can take years to learn a big stack, but having someone go “wait, if we do this we need to rexamine how we delete photos” is how you avoid fuck ups like this

My digital friends are way more willing to accommodate my bullshit

They may choose a job nearby to avoid having to deal with shitty transports every day.

It’s more just the option - a short commute is amazing. It makes an enormous difference in work and life satisfaction. They have the mixed zoning so you could find a cheap apartment or a three story house with a big yard without paying for it with 2 hours of your life every day

Their public transportation is great too… Even with a car, it’s just so much faster and more convenient most of the time. You just hop on and off with very little waiting. It’s cheap too, it was like 25 Euros a month for unlimited metro and bus rides, and even in the center of the city on a weekend it’s less crowded than DC is in the middle of a weekday

But I think the French culture is about enjoying life as much as possible.

This is just a tangent, but I don’t think that’s quite right… They actually say “c’est la vie” like they’re trying to convince themselves they can accept things

They have plenty of problems, there were two or three murders within my walking distance in a couple months… Not like it was an unsafe area, people just flipped out on family members and co-workers. One just (mostly) decapitated someone with a katana in an office over a fine or something. They’re constantly fighting over politics and culture, they share public spaces but you’ll see tons of people sitting alone carefully not interacting with each other - they’re very closed off in a lot of ways. Work-life balance is really what they’ve got going for them. That certainly leaves a lot more time for family and hobbies (which is huge), but I wouldn’t describe them as happy exactly… Some definitely do make the most of it, but a lot of people don’t

It’s more that they draw a very hard line between “acceptable” and “not acceptable”, but it’s a constant fight. They take their time eating good food and enjoy their outdoor time, but a lot of them are isolated and/or bitter. They’re going through the same stuff we are, but they’ve had more to lose

But that’s just my take away, and it’s not like I saw much of the county

That sounds like a mix of public transportation sucking and people needing to travel too far to me

Driving sucks… But compared to not having a reliable way to get around? It’s total freedom

But better yet is being able to have a nice walk where you need to go, and frequent/plentiful options to go further. You just have to mix everything up and cut down on the parking lots. Low cost housing with full homes tucked here and there, smaller grocery and hardware stores every few blocks, gyms and parks a few blocks away - and all centered around a main street with offices and lower cost housing a few blocks away, so the main street can have a bus running by every 5 minutes

My time working in Paris for a bit really blew my mind - only one guy at my office wasn’t walking distance to work. I passed several grocery stores and bakeries on my 20 minute walk back if I wanted to grab something, there was a big park a couple blocks up if I wanted a scenic walk back.

And if I was feeling lazy, you could just start walking until you saw a bus coming up behind you - there was a bus stop like every quarter mile just going up and down that main street

Almost as good as all that is the fact that if you did have to drive, there was so much less traffic. You could park on side streets, but those spots were limited and needed specific permits. They had parking garages at the edge of the suburb area near the highway entrance and near the metro station, so while you could drive up to wherever to load/unload, it discouraged it and kept the cars mostly on the bigger roads in between areas.

Granted, it’s only amazing when the pieces all fit together like that - a lot of the designed communities in the US are nowhere close to as good because they don’t commit far with. I later moved to a designed community in the States which had most of the same aspects, but I never walked to the grocery store. It was across the street from the town center and a 10 minute walk, but it involved crossing 2 much higher speed/busy roads and walking across a huge parking lot. It was just a little island in a world still built for cars

But when it works, it’s amazing

True, it’s probably overkill. But even if you don’t log, they could theoretically start live monitoring the VPN with a court order… With a setup like this, there’s no front door or backdoor, just an ephemeral image you have to restart to modify. You’d have to write in access methods and rebuild to get in… The government can’t just walk in and demand you stop what you’re doing and build something for them

It does add security, even if you might not need that level of security

I mean, if you set up your os on an encrypted ram disk, then set it to restart when the server rack door was unlocked/opened and didn’t leave a backdoor for yourself to remote in, you could have a situation where you entirely lack the capability to give them access to anything before that moment. A skilled hacker might be able to get in through an exploit or do something crazy with cryogenics to read the memory at the time of shutdown, but a quick restart would overwrite most of what’s in memory and scrub that

Legally, there’s not much better defense than “I’m sorry your honor, I can’t provide access to the running system in the same way I can’t un-shatter a smashed mug”. If someone shows up with a warrant, you could explain that it’ll wipe itself if they open or unplug it, and it might’ve done so already. Then you guide them to it, hand over the key to the server cabinet, and let them decide to open the cabinet and destroy evidence so they can take it with them. Or they can take you at your word, and give up.

Court orders can’t break physics, and as a VPN your reasoning for setting up the system like this is to make your service more appealing to customers - the purpose is not to aid in a crime or destroy evidence, it’s just the normal course of business.

The same way that most companies wipe their emails after 30 days - yes, it potentially destroys incriminating paper trails, but that’s just a side effect of the security policy you’ve had all along

Granted, there’s probably some sketchy sealed laws they could use to force you to backdoor your own system moving forward, but you can fight that as it’s undue hardship. It requires a non-negligible amount of work and would make your product less competitive

They might win in the end if they keep pushing, and even might be able to order you to “keep up the canary paper” (meaning keep claiming not even you have access to the running system), but more likely they’d get a warrant for your customer financial records and try to find an easier path to find what they want elsewhere

Not really. With https luckily being the default, at most they could get the sites you were going to (I don’t think dnss is dead, but it’s been very slow to grow unfortunately).

They could probably see if you’re checking Amazon or Google, but wouldn’t be able to see what you’re looking at exactly. Theoretically they could use cameras and or triangulation to see what you’re in front of when you use the Internet, but a VPN would still show traffic so they’d know you’re looking up something.

The big thing this would do is act like a loyalty card… They give you some amount of benefit in exchange for tracking your purchases in ever higher detail. Mostly it’s just like that, except they’d also be able to see how long you are in the store, and ideally they can link it to your purchases so they can infer more about it

FWIW, I wouldn’t only consider giving them a disposable email

It was outlawed out of concerns it would make us less productive

If it’s a physical object, how can you turn one into 1000? How can it be both the alignment of magnetic domains on a spinning disk, or an area containing more or less electrons than normal, or a sequence of letters printed on a page? It can even be stored in meat if you memorize a sequence, or separated in space and time then reunited

Data isn’t a physical object, it’s any pattern that can be decoded to result in the same useful sequence. It’s information.

At best, you can call it a property of a physical object

Yeah, this goes way beyond adblockers.

This is straight up 3E for web browsers - it’s a short road from this to forcing everyone onto apps and chromium, and good luck explaining to a politician why this is a big deal.

This year is going to show up in a lot of history books… Assuming we still make history books when all this is over