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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 27, 2022


Have they switched their servers to FaceIt yet? They said they’ll have a version that will work on Linux, but I remain skeptical until it’s implemented.

It is a framework mainboard. The display is almost certainly connected via displayport on one of the framework usb-c ports, so that should be fine, and I’m pretty sure they mention the game pads are Bluetooth. There should be no issues running Linux on this.

What I worry about is the developer kneecapping the whole thing by not releasing design files and BOMs for 3D prints and PCBs under an open source license. The point of a device like this is going to be longevity, upgradability, and repairability. Having to rely on some dude to keep making a kit is completely antithetical to that. I love the idea of being able to repurpose my framework parts in different ways as I upgrade, but I won’t be jumping to buy a kit that I can’t trust to be available a year later.

Originally, it was due to anti-piracy “make an example of them” court cases, like that of Aaron Swartz. Then hardened by investigative reporting pieces showing how police get access to user data to circumvent 4th amendment protections in the USA, and my own interests in running home servers.