PhD in aerospace engineering from Wallonia.

Docteur ingénieur en aérospatiale de Wallonie.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


If it were an ideal free market with an infinite amount of competitor, you’d be right. That logic ceases to function in a monopolistic context. In the case of YouTube it’s not “go to the competition” because there’s none. It’s “stop watching online videos”, which is still possible but a huge shift in habits, hobbies, and cultural environment. It’s extremely difficult and only a tiny minority will succeed because human’s psychology is a real thing.

Yeah I thought I heard Mozilla having something but I can’t find it.

Alternative to Google’s Enhanced Location?
cross-posted from: > Assisted GNSS is pretty handy. My phones gets my approximate location very fast. If I want to plan a route from where I am, I don't have to wait a couple minutes for the GNSS signal to be received (if I'm in a location where I can receive it). > > But obviously, waiting a couple minutes before starting a journey is acceptable to avoid being tracked by Google, so I disabled the Enhanced Location mode on my Android phone. > > Is there a private alternative for A-GNSS?