I do like some intellectual stimulation and will hold contrarian views just to test the waters of my own understanding or to test yours. I don’t always believe the things I say online. I want you, AND me to understand the world around us better.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


VPS typically have shared IPs. You’re paying extra for a dedicated IPv4.

It’s because many privacy enthusiasts are or have also been in network infrastructure, and realize the measures that must be taken on a hostile network which literally defines the internet.

I told you what to do. Rent a VPS, and set your own VPN up. Nothing is stopping you from doing this the right way.

Twitch shadowbans public VPNs due to abuse/bots. The most common method for people to get around bans is to use a VPN – now assume millions of viewers, and you’ve got an easy recipe for needing to stop that activity.

You’re not punished for being privacy conscious; you’re being punished for being roughly in the same realm as harassers, etc.

If you don’t want to be banned, rent a VPS and set up your own private VPN for only you. The problem is that using Nord, Windscribe, etc etc is that you’re sharing that VPN tunnel with hundreds, maybe thousands of people at a time.

This is mostly Bluetooth LE so that you can use their new device finder network if your phone gets lost. Thieves often turn off the phone as the first step, so this may help a lot of people recover their devices.

With cheaters now using DMA to read memory locations on secondary computers, what’s your suggested solution? A great many people can go “this bad, don’t do this”…

Great. Fine. Don’t do this – then suggest something we do instead.

How many times have you searched Google for these errors? What have you tried so far?

I’ve run across stuff like this: https://old.reddit.com/r/winehq/comments/195nnnu/unable_to_run_after_setting_enable_virtual_desktop/

That seem awfully similar.

I’m not a dumbass mobile user so just uBlock Origin and Sponsorblock on regular-ass youtube. I don’t see ads, Google’s gonna track via IP anyhow…so why jump through all these hoops?

I made a hardware-based password manager that I keep on me with the 3-2-1 rule. (One on me, one at home, one in a remote location) It’s barely-secure, but the data is not accessible except when I’m updating it. It’s similar to the mooltipass but all the passwords are stored on eeprom.

Could the eeprom be hacked by someone and all my passwords probably read in cleartext? Yeah. How many fucking people actually know how to do that though? Virtually none.

Honestly, I’d love to just simply be able to afford a mooltipass though. :(

This is what I based my personal one on: https://www.instructables.com/PasswordPump-Passwords-Manager/

And I usually generate the passwords with an online tool so that I’m never using the same password twice.

Sometimes not even ignoring the ads is possible because they are vectors for malware as well.


There’s a whole set of instances in the past where someone was innocently wanting to make a little money from their website, only to have all of their users infected with malware because of it. These instances utilized newly discovered exploits to run without interaction at all. Meaning you can’t simply ignore them, even just browsing a page with them was enough to infect people.

Ads aren’t just annoying, but they’re a vector for malware. And even if they weren’t, ignoring them isn’t enough to get your brain not to notice them at all. You’ll always subconsciously obtain associations of brands, etc. It’s literally an invasion of your brain.