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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023



It looks like it uses chrome for certain data, and I’m not a fan of that. Any idea if I can change that to use Firefox?

Oof, purchased by an analytics company probably means they only want it for your/my information.

I’m trying one of the Dev releases that was linked below. So far it’s pretty stable. Not sure your tolerance for any issues that may arise.

Oh sweet! Thanks for the heads up! I was hoping to find a version 14 without having to figure out how to build it myself.

I took a peek into their telegram feed and it seems they’re working on version 14.

Lawnchair hasn’t had a release since 2018. I find it to be a bit buggy and sometimes won’t redraw the home screens. This makes me need to force close the launcher from the settings. I usually clear the cache too, just to be safe.

Just tempering expectations for anyone else looking at it. If anyone knows of a fork that is more recent let me know. Maybe someone else is maintaining somewhere.

Looks promising! Thanks for the recommendation, even though I didn’t notice the original post eat very old.

It looks great! Ufortunately for me, without traffic and construction information (road closures) it becomes almost unusable.