hi Hot Saucerman 👋 still unemployed?

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 26, 2023


🤣 ok bud, enjoy licking gaben’s dick I guess.

I need computer for office work, any excelOS distros? That’s how u sound, install excel and move on

corporations need love too I guess, keep glazing

u want your whole os around steam and I’m the 13 year old? stop projecting bro. and your eyes hurt from rolling? may I suggest some sunlight, gaben enthusiast?

I have fun like that too and I don’t need my whole os around steam, weird 🤔

You want your whole computer around a private company’s platform? Wow this is some next level bootlicking

yeah ignore my comment keep addressing the 500 people, u will change stuff with 500 for sure

So youre unironically addressing 500 people and dont care for the needs of the actual majority, like me, who stumbled upon this post. Crypto bad I’ll dump a functional browser over it, I’ll also start troubleshooting linux and lose every program I need over microsoft telemetry 🫡 stay in your bubble

Idc about their money ventures, I dont give them any money because I am not a complete moron, their product works, I use it. If the morons fall for it, their problem

Literally virtue signalling lmao no one asked

Nice strawmen u got there, they can helicopter their dicks too idc stop controlling MY experience