Blockchain Security Engineer | Penetration Testing | Educational Technologies | MSc in Blockchain && Digital Currencies at University Of Nicosia 🇨🇾🇪🇺 | Founder of TuxHouseEdu | The creator of Blockchain Camera |

Based in Athens, Greece, EU 🇪🇺🇬🇷

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Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


Ι was talking about degoogled experience. DivestOS supports a lot of devices which is not a case with calyx and graphene.

You can use DivestOS which pretty much it offers anything that can be found on GrapheneOS. Also, DivestOS supports relocking the bootloader to many devices

Personally I use Cromite (degoogled Chromium with adblock and harden security) and Mull (DivestOS harden Firefox based browser with adblock and addons support)

Thats the spirit of Open Source!! :))

Check DivestOS, it uses a lot of things from GrapheneOS + they have crrated their own security tools and applications.

No, I mean thst Firefox does not have privacy enchainment tools enabled/installed out of the box. You have to do it manually.

Facebook applications as system apps…oooofff…

What kind of device are you having and have Facebook Services as system services?

I was talking about iPhone.

On Android yes, OpenBoard, AOSP keyboard, KryptEY keyboard for example are find

So you want to send private messanges typed by a virtual keyboard with spyware?