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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Ironically enough, Google Pixels are great phones if you need to de-google with GrapheneOS.

I, among many other people, am now forced to use windows to play my favorite game. I am not going to stop playing so the only choice is to stop using Linux.

the game sucks RN.

League players are such a special breed. “I don’t enjoy this game but I refuse to stop playing and will willingly switch to an entirely different operating system so I can continue to not have fun.”

You do know that you’re allowed to just not keep playing, right?

Keep in mind, it’s always running, whether you’re playing a game or not!

Not necessarily. You can close the software. You’ll need to restart your computer before launching Valorant, but it absolutely does not need to be running while you aren’t playing.

Interest based ads that everyone who has connected to the same wifi as you will now see.

My PiHole would beg to differ.