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Joined 15d ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2024


Microg has drawbacks?

Edit: sorry that’s a question. What are they?

All good tactics…

It will limit some web functionality but you will notice the services that do that shit are some clown data harvesters…

My bank never gives me an issue… Why does reddit jaja

They gonna try again… Don’t celebrate. They will like slip in during the next 911 bullshit circle jerk, when normies are most likely to sell their own child for “security” like boomers did

Even if you just passing your device to it?

Punish me harder daddy… No doubt on LTE chip tho haha

Just don’t let it connect to internet.

There are no good dumb teevees for home use

Y’all still get ads beyond spytube sponsor shit?

While both signal and Firefox are lords work… The actual leadership appears to be some clowns. Both appears to be essentially here to maintain status quo where tech nerds get their fix but the fix doesn’t go mainstream. It is a fine line.

One service provider, single point of failure. After google bullshit and how long it took me to get away, i aint cornering myself again. I will pay for the extra fee for mobility and choice.