• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023

Librewolf but like… for chromium?
My main browser is Librewolf but I keep a chromium browser just in case. Previously used brave but their flatpak is shit. Ungoogled chromium seems ok but it looks like they don't change much from upstream chromium. Any good chromium browsers which harden their browsers like librewolf does for more privacy?

This guy created his account today. He’s a troll, don’t bother.

Dude you’re on lemmy, relatively mental outlaw is the Samuel L. Jackson of privacy.

I don’t have any problems with the points you discussed either. Can’t speak for him though.

Also, I think the most governments would be able to do is to increase the friction of this process by giving all ai-gen photos an ‘id’ to track later and probably controlling open-source models, but that’s harder to do. Most probably old senators who don’t know gmail will pass unenforceable laws which won’t do jackshit but get them votes.

He is a deepfake of luke smith.

That’s mental outlaw not me. Famous for his style of thumbnails

What do you people think this will lead to? Is it solvable or not? and if yes then how?

> In this video I discuss how generative AI technology has grown far past the governments ability to effectively control it and how the current legislative measures could lead to innocent people being jailed.

Thanks, that really helped!

Mull Vs Firefox
I installed the [mull browser](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/us.spotco.fennec_dos/) revently. People who are familiar with this will know that it's a fork of firefox android. It's hardened but I haven't noticed much difference b/w the two. Mull has a few visible tweaks like Https mode by default, strict protection etc. but I haven't come across other backend/not so visible changes. How is it different from firefox android?

Firefox on android for privacy?
I was using brave before and decided to switch to firefox but I did some research and turns out firefox collects way more by default than brave and I am switching back, what do you think?

How Mozilla Ruined Firefox
cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/3346046 > > Firefox used to be on top of the world with almost a third of all internet users using Firefox. These days, they make up a pitiful 2.7% of the market share. What happened? In this video, I want to show how Mozilla's terrible management and decisions have brought this once beloved browser down. >