• 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Many that think being gay is a choice, are in fact bisexual themselves. So for them it’s a choice on whether or not to act on it. And they project that everyone else is the same.

Good. These were common areas so personally I don’t see too much of an issue, but the harder and more unsavory it is perceived to run Airbnbs the more our housing market can return to normal.

Privacy alternative for translating audio like Google Translate?
Trying to translate video audio if that matters. Tried Deepl on my phone held up to the speaker but it doesn't register for some reason.

So if there’s only a few links, you could manually replace them?

Depends how much optimization they did in SteamOS specifically vs Linux in general. I’m not sure how things work on that level.

Does steam run as well on other distros (Ubuntu, Pop, etc) as well as on SteamOS?
*Like how much optimization did they do in SteamOS vs Linux in general? Is SteamOS minimal changes just so it boots directly into the store and run everything full screen by default, or did they make deeper changes?

Here’s his exact comment:

When you buy Nvidia for Linux, you’re buying obsolescence. It will work fine for a while and then they’ll hard-drop driver support at a certain kernel version. Your 3d acceleration will last as long as you can run an LTS kernel compatible with it. You may have moved on by then, but I currently have 3 Nvidia laptops that have between limited and zero 3D support in Linux. If I cared to run Windows or MacOS, 3D would still work. MacOS would also be outdated, though. In the future, I’m going AMD only.

I am looking to keep laptops for a long long time.

Another guy says that long term Nvidia is a problem with Linux. That support is dropped after some years. Thoughts?

Thanks but I’m looking for a laptop for laptop functionality. Productivity is primary role, gaming secondary, that’s why I’m ok with budget gaming.

What budget gaming laptops work well with Linux?
I've seen stuff about Nvidia ~~cards~~ not working well with Linux, is that true? If one was in the market for a new laptop anyway, would you recommend not getting nvidia and going with AMD? I'm currently intrigued by the Lenovo LOQ line (full size numpad). Not buying anytime soon, just scoping out good brands and ideas. *Primary role is laptop productivity, secondary role is maybe patient gaming, so I'm ok with budget gaming. Going Linux is not guaranteed, but maybe in the future because windows keeps getting more nuts. So I'm looking for info to make sure Linux is possible. *I want this to last a long time, 10 years should be easy.

Well a good way is enough, I don’t need uber best. I’ll edit the title.

I had no idea they can do that. Does bitwarden do that?

What is a good way to secure PDFs?
Don't know if this is the most suitable place to ask, but it's all I can think of. Say like tax documents. Password protect them? What's the best free software?

At that point, you can try to switch to lineage to increase the life of your device.

Which basically brings me to my question, how is LineageOS for should I call it basic privacy.

I’ve heard graphene isn’t maintained any longer than Google pixel updates. So 5 years.

How is LineageOS for privacy?
I assume it not completely locked down, but does it mean Google doesn't have access to everything like I assume it does with Android?

What’s total cookie protection?

I just installed containers and doesn’t seem to take any micromanagement. You can set it to automatically open certain URLs in certain containers.

Where is lineage OS in that?

only recommended for advanced users.

So you don’t think it’s necessary for privacy?

What is this hardened Firefox I hear about?
The one video I saw suggested running this betterfox.js file or some more elaborate ones. Is that really necessary? Or are there just some settings that I should change? (Already run ublock origin if that matters.)