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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Feb 14, 2024


The approach to privacy seems to be blaming people for not guessing how to properly hide their private information from malicious actors when people are also expected to use that same data daily to interact with the world.

How about we actually punish the ones that collect private data without consent and those that abuse private data? Like actual prison time for CEOs of companies that do these things.

Sure they will be held liable. Just like everything else they are held liable for.

The ones I frequent have silenced the ads or gotten rid of them altogether.

Seems like they are still loud and shitty in more rural areas where there is less choice that I’ve been to in the last couple of years.

The United States of America.

Most of them anyway.

The ads will become increasingly annoying snd intrusive over time based on every other website and app that has gone from free to supported by ads.

Even if they aren’t too bad at first, they will get worse. Just like the nitro ads that are already in discord.