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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Telegram’s server side software is closed source, owned and ran by them exclusively so they really have no room to talk. WhatsApp doesn’t even have OSS clients so they’re even worse in that regard

My thought’s exactly. If the community is there and there’s enough people willing to do the dev work, the project will go on indefinitely even if the author is forced to drop it.

I run my own invidious instance locally, I really hope G! doesn’t manage to shut down the main project. Don’t have the link handy, but on Invidious’s Github page in the issue tracker the author basically says that the email they got from G! was invalid because the project isn’t using the G! API and is instead essentially scraping the website and no terms were explicitly agreed to by them. Don’t know if that will hold up legally, but it doesn’t seem like the author is kowtowing to G! at this point at least. And since hearing the story then I’ve gotten 3 software updates if that’s any indication about the inertia of the project.