Software dev, D&D DM, Dog Dad, Linux User, FOSS supporter, pc builder, cyclist, volleyball player, wannabe handyman, socialist, feminist, and ally.

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  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


I’ve been avoiding Nvidia for a while and I generally recommend it (at least for now). I wouldn’t say it’s mandatory though. Nvidia support has come a long way.

That being said, if you can snag a good used amd card to replace your 3060ti then why not if you’re not benefiting from the rtx features and you find your current vram is causing issues, then you do you.

You could also hold out a bit longer and see if the 6800xt becomes more affordable given the recent launch of the mid tier 7000series.

SImpleLogin / Proton Pass needs a third option for only Blocking Promotional emails. The allow all and block all options aren't enough. Here's the discussion I've started on SimpleLogin's github page. Feel free to comment and boost if you'd like to see this feature.

I’ve been using Firefox Relay for about a year and its been great. I might switch over to Simplelogin since I already pay for a premium sub with proton and its now included.

One small thing that simplelogin might do better than others is sending from an alias. Replying is fine from Firefox Relay but if I wanted to start a new email using an alias, I think simplelogin is capable but Relay isnt able to.

No worries. Yeah I ran into this same issue with flatpak steam and got it mostly working about a year ago and then distro hopped. Lost the changes for some reason and just didn’t bother fixing it lol. Glad you got it working!!

I believe its an option when you right click the game in steam.

If you don’t want the desktop icons, you don’t need to relax the flatpak permissions for the xdg-desktop. Just the first two for allowing steam to see the icons and the applications folders.

If the right click option isn’t there in steam, there might be a way to regenerate the icon, but off the top of my head I’m not sure. Reinstalling the game should do it but that’s a pain for larger games.

I’m on the fence about this since how would proton verify that “best practices” were followed? They are a privacy focused product and a feature like that could be used to decrease their services privacy. This author would likely implement best practices and many other likely would too, but say a competitor wanted to prove that their product was more secure, a feature like that could enable a competitor to showcase a security “flaw”. And since headlines are all people read these days it would be damaging.

The feature the author described would be great but ProtonMail would need to make it fool-proof and temper-proof which requires a lot of Dev time and effort. I’m still waiting on proton bridge to work with calendar and contacts. Or contacts birthdays to show up in my calendar.

Like I said, its a good feature, but its likely a large ask for a niche group of customers.