• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/10638699 > So I've been working part time for a few years on a sci-fi themed game called Veridian Expanse. It's a bit of a mashup of exploration, metroidvania, and crafting games where you are trapped inside of an asteroid. You can download the latest dev build from itch.io for Linux, Windows, and Raspberry Pi 4: > > https://howlingmoonsoftware.itch.io/veridian-expanse > > I've been making dev builds for a while, but I'm starting to get more serious about getting feedback. Also... as a solo dev I have no idea how to tell people about my game, so I'm starting in cozy places like Lemmy and Mastodon. :) Anyway, if people want to give it a go and let me know what you think I'd be super grateful. :D > > More links: > * https://store.steampowered.com/app/2137670/Veridian_Expanse/ > * https://fosstodon.org/@vexpanse > > Fun Fact: The game's source is GPLed! I'm guessing 99% of people don't care, but I don't see any downsides of doing this when I don't plan to use DRM anyway. I can't imagine it will hurt sales. On the other hand, maybe someone will use it to play the game on OpenBSD, Haiku, or some OS that doesn't exist yet.

Both the PS5 and Xbox Series X controllers are very good. I’ve had some incompatibilities on my computers with older bluetooth hardware though. Speaking practically, I’d recommend the Xbox one as it’s slightly cheaper, takes regular replaceable batteries. Subjectively, I prefer the PS5 controller (I like the feel, and the trackpad is really handy), but I’ve already had to replace the lithium ion battery in mine. (Had to do the same with my older PS4 controller too)

~2017-2019 I used Ubuntu. It was fine, and I had no complaints. All the games I bothered to try including VR worked great. It was my work machine and a Windows update imploded everything. I tried Pop OS on a whim when reinstalling, and I had no complaints about that either. I barely noticed it was different to be honest. When upgrading the SSD last year I installed Fedora on a whim. It works fine and I have no complaints. I type dnf instead of apt now… that’s the biggest difference. I haven’t tried VR on it though. (I do VR for work and rarely want to use it during non-work hours nowadays)

Huh, that’s good if surprising. My problem with UE has always been that I’m curious, but have no projects I’d want to use it for. All my work stuff is Unity, and unlikely to change, and all my personal projects are too small. Good to know if I come across another UE opportunity though.

Sounds neat story summary anyway. :)

How is your experience with UE on Linux? I do a lot of Unity stuff (VR) for work, and it’s basically been in limbo for what seems like a decade now. Performance in the editor is awful, there’s still a bunch of missing functionality like the graphics debugger, and VR support comes and goes (that’s not to surprising… a niche of a niche). At the moment my work machine is back on Windows because of it. :( Extra annoying when all my data analysis tools are on Linux. -_-

I’ve been building a game on Linux too, but I’ve just been writing it in C. >_< I really dislike working with Unity…

So I've been making an game for a while now and am looking for a new round of playtesters! In a nutshell, it's an exploration/crafting game with twin-stick shooter controls set inside of an asteroid. So lots of space bugs of shoot, harvest, upgrade, repeat. The game is still missing a *lot* of content, but the first hour or so is pretty playable now. I keep rewriting the story bits, and most of that is currently ripped out so it might be a bit dry at the moment... Anyway, I'm currently looking for feedback on the game's intro and early flow: 1) Did the tutorial make sense? 2) Is the pacing in the initial "dirt" biome ok? (Though there isn't a lot of unique items to craft right now...) 3) Feedback on the controls: I've iterated on the "grabbing" mechanic multiple times. I really like gimmicky 1:1 physical controls like that, but some people hate them. I've tried to balance that out with a quick-grab key. 4) Any crashes or other issues? It's built against the Steam Scout SDK, and should run on pretty much any distro with a new enough SDL I think? Windows binary too for those currently on their work machines or somesuch. ;) There is a workinig Mac version too, but I haven't figure out how to automate that so it tends to get built rarely. There's also a Raspberry Pi 4 version in the download! Though you'll need to compile a newer version of Mesa than they currently have in apt. Otherwise it will run, but not at 60 fps. D: Sounds like Mesa might be updated in the next OS update though? More links! | [Itch.io](https://howlingmoonsoftware.itch.io/veridian-expanse) | [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2137670/Veridian_Expanse/) | [Code](https://github.com/slembcke/veridian-expanse) | [Discord](https://discord.gg/xAz3YenA) | [Blog](https://slembcke.github.io/)