Transfered from as they closed up shop unfortunately.

  • 1 Post
Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 28, 2024


This guy has an interesting perspective on that topic. He provides good points on how what you’re saying could be wrong

I don’t know of a guide but I’d suggest making a new anonymous account (email and privacy card) but make sure it’s created while using a VPN (for that initial IP log) and then continue to use it on a VPN (don’t forget DNS in general too). Then be sure to be on Linux and use the Flatpak as it’s a sandboxed application. I read a thread about viruses in a Proton environment and how they can still access other parts of your system so there may be a weak point in the sandbox with Proton, but I’m no expert and have little knowledge on the subject.

Everything. Data breaches/leaks happen all the time. The more these companies have to admit what happened and be shamed and fined the more they will care about security for their customers.

To add to this I’d also pay attention to the Android version that the OS is based on. Last I checked e/OS is a few versions outdated. GrapheneOS works very very well, you (OP) just have to understand how to set it up for your use case.

I agree. I don’t know why people believe Apple and their privacy fasaude. There is plenty of evidence to show they’re a monopoly on the data to make all the money for themselves, as well as closed source means you can’t trust or verify anything they claim.

“Best” is subjective. I like Signal because it has a great modern UI so I can pretty easily get non techy/privacy people using it.

I use it on my phone and my wife’s. I would like to get a Pixel tab too with Graphene. There is no other phone OS like it and it’s open source. I have had Lineage on an old phone and on a tablet currently and while it’s nice, GrapheneOS just works amazingly. I’ve also briefly tried Calyx but it had various small issues that Graphene doesn’t.

Add the FUTO repo and you can download it on fdroid

  • Surveillance Report
  • Closed Network
  • Darknet Diaries
  • Naomi Brockwell (YouTube)

Did you sign up with a VPN turned on? Are you always using a VPN and private DNS? You could also use a voice changer.

BTC lightning.

Why are you annoyed by Paypal and Venmo? What do you want changed? KYC and these companies having control of your money is common on all these everyday platforms. If you want a real change you need to use self custodial non-KYC crypto currencies.

This is sickening.

People should use alternative routers and software such as OpenWRT, DDWRT, and Gl.iNet routers

For movie streaming if you have subscriptions to the big names you can use Kodi and still login to your streaming service.

It’s also unethical that they steal your data and keep upping prices and injecting ads so it’s equally ethical to stream pirated content via Kodi

Disroot matches your requirements minus the additional criteria.

I didn’t know about this opt out code. Pretty nifty. Thanks

Good point. I would like to understand it better if the data/info is out there

Nothing wrong with that. I’ll give it a look, thanks

Need Help Finding Article on Car Privacy
I'm looking for an article I either read or heard about during a podcast fairly recently. It stated someone's kid on vacation visited home, used their parents car, connected their phone to the infotainment system, and since it had access to their phone's data was able to see who the kid was and increased the parents car insurance policy as their kid was driving their car. I've tried searching the internet for key words unsuccessfully. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about and can provide a link?

In the USA there is a culture to put stickers everywhere. These stickers tend to be for a company. Whether that be your car, benches, poles, etc.

To me I think, I paid for this product and am not sponsored by them so why would I put a giant sticker for them in my window? It’s free advertising for that company

Good job getting here.

  1. You won’t have any accounts to sign in to anymore unless you install an app that requires an account. You are free from forced accounts that track you.
  2. Graphene is very barebones at start. You need to use the web browser (Vanadium) to install an app store to download apps or download apk’s straight from the source/Github.
  3. You sync data by either manual backups or by using your chosen app for syncing. Syncthing, NextCloud, ProtonDrive, Ente, Immich, etc.
  4. I would say that the fdroid store is better than the PlayStore. Everything is open source, no ads, and a lot less/close to zero junk apps spamming my searches. You also have access to repositories to add even more apps.
  5. I would suggest looking at DivestOS instead of Lineage. It’s more secure as you can re-lock the bootloader. I do suggest Graphene over all else for you specifically as it’s incredibly simple to install and the Google Sandbox works very well.

I was just able to update an app with Aurora on latest GrapheneOS. I use a VPN too