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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


You’re right, it isn’t entirely true. A perfectly private social media service could be constructed but it likely won’t because there is no profit motive. Even if it were, how many people would truly use it.

We had things like this in the beginning of the internet. Anonymous chat rooms and message boards were incredibly popular but I doubt they will ever reach that level of popularity again.

Word? I wasnt aware of this, guess i will switch back to ublock

Adnauseum is also very good, its based on ublock but instead of just blocking ads it will also randomly “click” them to add noise to advertiser data

Use a tails usb

Preferably just dont though

making an Alexa copy (sorta)
So my girlfriend has an Alexa and really likes it but I'm not comfortable living in a house with one. How much technical knowledge would I need to make a speaker that connects to a music player app and is voice activated because that is all she uses it for. I figure I could hook up a raspberry pi to a speaker and add a mic and voice command software that I find somewhere but I've never actually done anything like this before. How feasible is this