Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at ! )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


I don’t know exactly how they do it - but I believe it’s related to gamescope. I’m pretty sure it just dumps the ram and enters sleep mode.

Yes for dragon age origins on Windows I had to run the patch. On Linux under wine I didn’t have to

I bought Gears 4 from the Windows store - they sold it as an exclusive there. We are not under any threat from that.

The store is clunky, it works about 40% of the time, it constantly needs updates, and there’s an install limit of 10 times before you have to buy it again. Even if they locked a tech like DirectX behind it developers wouldn’t use it.

all the frustrations of linux are out the window for me with Pop. Sure I can go to the terminal and fuck with window managers and edit conf files for hours - but at this point in my life I really just want it to work - and man has Pop just done that. Ubuntu even was still a ton of futzing around (like flatpak, why are they so anti flatpak?!). Pop everything just works!

I went with the preconfigured pop after being too annoyed at Ubuntu having to update all of the time, and it never felt like the drivers were 100% installed with ubuntu. I never looked back after swapping to Pop. It just works, all of the time. It’s like a completely different linux experience to me. Add in the pop store where flatpak and stuff is just enabled by default (and snap is still there, but flatpak is definitely the preferred)… and man it’s hard to look back.

This is a great time to try!

Personally, I was in the same boat. I have landed on Pop! OS for my daily driver:

I dealt with Ubuntu, trying to get NVIdia drivers to work, no native flatpak, etc etc. PopOS has an NVidia version with the drivers baked in already, and apps just… work. It has been the lowest annoyance distro I’ve ever used, and I can’t recommend it enough.

(I do gaming, AI stuff, coding, pretty much anything I’ve had to do Pop! has done a great job)