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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Done. Honestly it was one of the first that popped in other than roll your own…

I like Plex Ymmv

I have 2 “smart” tvs. IMHO I don’t connect them to the internet.
Use a device (, pi-running Plex or kodi?)

Edit. Removed roku

Kinda yeah. Like many things it is complex.

Back in the day… I was so chuffed when MS released 95, and 98 and was amazed at 2000.

But yes 8 was a horror show, and to that point— is anyone excited about a new release?

When there is really nothing wrong with XYZ machine running 10; but it is not supported in 11 and your EOL on 10; yeah there’s nothing compelling me to want a new computer

MS for a short while was or seemed happy for people to use 365 , but to me it seems like they are just shitting on windows as an os.

I hear you.

Being able to search and read was the hardest part (read as not at all difficult)

99.9 % of my computer usage is FF and libreoffice.

Other than (maybe) initial setup there is nothing stopping “your mom” from being able to have Linux as a daily driver.

Microsoft is for some reason $$$$ shooting them selves in the foot they seem hell bent on making windows unusablely crappy. Oh look enshitification.

Prices? Or am I dumb again, and just not seeing them?

May not be popular….

But Apple can use hide my email, similar to Bitwarden.

So there’s another option

I know that the VC guys are demanding constant growth and that we milk every penny; but what if…. Again IF we tried just for a minute, to not be TOTAL aholes…. You know, just kinda…. Like if we respected our users wants?

Nice option… but I was looking for something that could run on my PET16. This is too powerful for me


Because IF. If your manager is hacked, see LastPass, it provides an additional layer of protection.

This is kinda what passkeys do / are trying to do. You’re kinda just dropping the password and trusting that the MFA is secure.

So yes, password managers are good. Unique passwords are very good. And MFA is the icing on the cake


I’m not sure I understand… The symbols?

Could you give an example?

Librewolf has stuff cranked down for a reason putting privacy before usability

Privacy is a spectrum…. A journey not a destination…

Yes self hosted is the most private to a point… ie you are responsible life configuration and security, and even good admins screw it up.

Proton is good as far as we trust them, how paranoid are you do you trust them a nS their audits?

Sigh. It is hard. Email isn’t that secure. Treat as though it will be and can be exhibit A in court…

Use signal for anything that needs to stay “that” private


From the JDLR dept… notice how brave is listed first, and passes every test (except a very few)

This report just looks biased. Even if it is totally legitimate, and many users have pointed out how it isn’t , it looks biased.

It looks like every sales pitch for a product where they list everything their product does and how it’s better than the other things.

I vote librewolf


I’m thinking that I saw that. I’m claiming that yes. I likely stole that from him.

I’d like to crowdsource the collection of all the data of the USA congress, and then send a complete copy to them, and any remaining newspapers.

Yes. But we still need it.

In the USA, the 4th amendment gives us the right to be secure … unless there is a warrant….

A big part of the privacy issue is first with government; we can’t have the erosion of those standards or we’ll never get them back.

Second is business, my existence is not a license for data collection of my activities. Like being with one person all the time, but never getting 5 minutes alone.

Because data brokers are obligating the need for a warrant when my info can just be purchased.

Yeah. Even though encryption protects bad guys, it protects my credit card when I buy something.

It has to cover both

No I had not. So thank you.

I hate when shit gets recycled. Now the next question is— are they still doing this?

I’d really like some additional sources on this. But yeah. Even a sample of one is not good