FOSS and Linux lover, always exploring the latest open-source wonders.🐧✨

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Status: AFK Until 29 Sep

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


Games which I have played for more than 100 hours.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon: A traditional rougelike dungeon crawler.

Rhythia or Sound Space Plus: Rythm-based aim game.

Taisei: A Touhou FOSS Fangame.

Osu!: A rythm based game.

Really? It mean it only use Wikipedia. Then IDC.

I mean DDG search is safe, but my search results and search queries are going through AI, who knows they are collecting it

Oh no :( DDG also becoming bad. Can you suggest me any other search engine (Not Self Hosted one).

I personally use Notesnook. It’s E2E, Open Soure and Cross Platform. It care about my privacy and It also plant Trees from ad revenue.

Well, You hopping directly to arch based distro but why? I know Garuda is stable than arch and made for gaming stuff but still. If you already made your mind to install Garuda then never mind whenever got a problem just post here.