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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


That’s the point… so your original statement does not carry much weight.

They care so much for the kids but the Catholic church is running international pedo protection racket among other “religious organizations” notorious for sex crimes.

You must notify us before you patch our zero day exploits on which we spent a lot of money and influence to get in.

You are discussing two different things. Just because they can use cell data, it does justify additional needless spying.

At least with cell data there is veneer of that’s only way to do it. Here our dear corpo tech lords could just make a product that does [not] leak data but they chose not to… why do we pay for such treatment?

This is not to protect the public so unlikely as their main goal is to punk us.

Have you noticed how pedo clergy gets away with it but they keep saying they need to scan cell phone for child porn to kEeP KiDs SAfE

Imagine spending good money on a product and then some creep is able to track your every move, collect that data and then sell it some other creep.

Do they even make teevees with usbc or DP?

Disgusting… take note foss chads

FOSS when ever possible as much as possible.

You are falling for daddy’s trick biggest trick…

Sure plebs have no political power but there are two things left: Personal direct action and organizing both as consumers and workers.

While with things like food shelter medical, not much choice left. With other products, people can vote with money. People can limit how much data they let out.

People can job hop, demand higher wage, this is mostly limited to older, higher paying folk but them doing this helps everyone.

Finally, organize as consumers and labour.

I see voting being pushed as solution, you can keep voting but don’t be naive haha

Funnily enough people who push voting as the only solution will down vote direct action posts into oblivion. I am starting to assume the poltiics crowds are indeed either bad actors, ie bots or shills.

Fascism is not holding [us] back… shit wages, healthcare and hi prices are tho

They don’t even pretend anymore…

They just act like we are stupid fucking peasants and daddy Sam let’s them abuse us.

You have nothing to worry about here, we are all family.

The real solution is to avoid these sites when possible

But this practice tells you what we all needed to know… They won’t serve u unless they can track you.

Vote with us feet cattle

How much was that fake news rag got paid to run this bullshit…

to be fair… they won’t die from an acute injury… they will die slowly from chronic conditions while being sucked dried for everything they got.

Proper nomenclature is “domestic terrorist”

Funny how mouth breather right loved patriot act until recently …

Now they woke up but it is too late!

Encryption can’t protect you from the counterparty dumping the chat log to the feds for “protection”

Mullvad got raided in sweden not sure if recently but they have a post about it.

They complied with the law and provided nothing as they don’t store logs is my understanding but after a quick circle jerk Swedish pigs fucked right off. I think they posted the docs

Soviets crimes have nothing to do with communism… Mao isa saint?

Propaganda was so good Russia is still using the methods and clowns like sharkfucker saying stupid shit like above.

Very naive understanding of “communism”

They really do think we are all fucking idiots, don’t they?

How the fuck did somebody approve this?

I guess it was secure enough at some point?

Well you see… We are cattle and people in charge of mega corporations are our ranchers.

I’ve heard of some tv’s auto-connecting to open WiFi networks if available

I thought my tv did this. Can anyone confirn if this actually was caught?

This person fucks.

Chad comment although I agree with other person that this is not the worst of Google’s crimes.

Use it and tell others to do the same.

Political process has been captured and can only be affect when critical mass of peasants regent policy via direct action.

That was admin decision, not courts. But anyway looks like your location has [NOT] been greased properly but don’t worry I am sure some clown is working on it as week speak. Those juice public sector contracts are prime time for corruption.

Can I psy on you? No

Can I collected “telemetry” data? Sure, here is key and 200% access to my data, take what you need when you need it.

YouTube is on teevee… No solution for that as far as I know.

I just pay to avoid ads