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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 20, 2023


For accounts like Microsoft accounts, using a passwordless login you can login and take ownership of the account

Sounds like the right person for the job, someone that understands the problem and industry

Interpol aren’t the border agents… we are talking about interpol, not random seaches

Who the fuck do you think interpol are targeting? Lmao

I’m maxed out on open source contributions myself right now as maintainer of a large project

Doubt it, wouldn’t they just clone the flash first?

If there are really no good padding tools I’ll probably start a new git repo and write one, would be a pretty handy CLI tool

“Very trivial” if they set a proper password? Yet the source you provide says it’s robustly secure

If you set a small pin, perhaps. Most people set a password

master_key is never stored or sent to the SGX, only c2, the entropy bits. The user’s password is still required to generate the key.

Bitwarden has email alias integration on free accounts

Wonder if it’s worth upgrading a proton mail subscription for cloud storage or having a separate mega is better, I already get 50gb on free tier

Does come with vpn though https://mega.io/vpn

Pw manager bitwarden works great.

Proton mail is great but doesn’t really come with much usable cloud storage

To send them directly to someone perhaps but it looks like OP wants to store them

I haven’t found something with a nice simple UI, let us know how you go

What are your requirements and desires for browsing/viewing?

AU laws are worse than US laws, in fact, the US gets AU to do things for them that would otherwise be illegal if performed by US agents

Doesn’t really matter with them being non unique. Multiple people can have the same username, there’s a randomly generated number that goes with it

I’d suggest a tor exit node but that might make some governments come knocking

Though, there’s always some malicious doctors

Ethically it’d be shitty and people don’t want to be part of an instance with shitty admins so people would migrate away. Technically, nothing unless you’re using a VPN. Welcome to the internet, the same is true for every website

Does 30% of the gofundme go to nintendo?

I use ubiquiti cameras and nvr for this purpose, might not be open source but I keep all the footage locally, it’s easy to use and feature rich

You can even read message contents sometimes. You know what apps they are using and can precisely correlate messages with those services

Talking to people you don’t want to give your number to. It’s trivial to change username