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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Dec 07, 2023


For what its worth, while its not viewable on the Flathub website anymore, it can still (at the time of my writing) still be downloaded/installed through the flatpak command.

Doesn’t seem to run correctly for me on my PC or Deck - after reaching the main menu it hangs and then I receive a generic “The application has hung and will now close” error with Proton Experimental. GE Proton results in an unauthorized modification error at launch.

But, I’m glad to see progress is being made regardless! Just not sure why it doesn’t work for me lol.

Seems like a bad faith argument, seat belts are so that your skull (hopefully) doesn’t detach and fly through the window if you get into an accident - a life and death safety measure. It’s way more dramatic to make a fuss about that. However, in both cases you can choose to just not drive (or play the game) which people are choosing to do.

Then again, none of your comments here seem like they’re in good faith, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.