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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Only commentary would be you will want to go for the Edge ISO with the 6.2 Kernel because certain functions of your hardware might not work otherwise. I have a 2022 Lenovo Legion 5i with an nvidia 3070 GPU and it took some doing to get working properly. Suspend did not work, backlight needed tweaking, and things like RGB will also need to be figured out.

I mercifully left myself a guide for how to reinstall my OS (I’m a chronic distro hopper).


PS: Nobara was awesome till I had an issue and the only forum was, in my experience, a somewhat unresponsive Discord. Garuda, CachyOS, and a dozen other distros all had their ups and downs but Linux Mint holds a special place in my old heart given I freaking used it in high school in 2007. The forums and community will be here for what I assume is longer than most distros. For all the hoopla made of Wayland on gnome and KDE being all corporate supported and fancy I have seen miniscule difference between that and good ol X11 Mint. Clem (Guy being Mint) has been a studious and unexcitable hand guiding choices over the years. Don’t expect the newest and fanciest things going on over at mint. Expect the most mind shatteringly boring experience as you use you OS for programming, gaming, and computing I’m general as opposed to editing obscure config files, scraping through forums for answers, or reinstalling because you broke it.

I am bias and old but you can pull Linux Mint from my cold dead hands.

To me it is blocking expression that presents no plausible harm to anyone. Yelling fire in a crowd to start a panic, making a specific threat, and intentionally spreading lies as to defame all strike me as harmful language and should be curtailed somehow. All expression of any kind not plausibly causing harm should be allowed and equal in the market of ideas despite my personal opinion of them which is a bitter pill to swallow when neonazis appear all to common. The is my opinion.