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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


The site is called medium because it’s rare to find anything well-done.

If they let you give them a phone number, I always use (in the USA) my area code plus 867-5309. So far it has always work. Younger checkout people don’t see anything unusual and older ones get a laugh out of it.

Yeah, this isn’t a presidential race, it’s a VP reality show.

Yes, there are a bunch of gaming-oriented ones. I’m using pop!_os (stupid name) and it took me nearly zero effort to start playing steam games. There’s also Drauger OS, Garuda, Lakka, and Bazzite, among others.

I think the current received wisdom on Linux gaming boils down mainly to three letters: AMD. As a company they’re “friendlier” to Linux for drivers and such.

That said, I’m running an 11th gen intel i7 and nvidia 3080 and not having any problems. I haven’t tried starfield yet but Baldur’s Gate 3 runs like a champ.