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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


anduril (creepy military defense company from right wing tech bro) has made this, I’m sure its absurdly expensive though, and I don’t think they sell to random people.

pretty sure it can run on either, but cpus are slow compared to gpus, often to the point of being impractical

reminds me of geowizards episodes geolocating vacation photos for fun. this one was insane, similar in detail to the photo in the tweet

yes, but you can only download from peers with port forwarding enabled, and you can also only upload to port forwarding peers, so generally its fine for downloading, but if you want to keep ratio (uploading) on a private tracker you need port forwarding

this is wild. people who use open source software are a small small minority, and its good to have a diverse group of friends, not a tiny insulated group of the internet. dropping a friend over their choice of messaging app is pathetic

eh, its better than discord and it was hard to convince people to use signal, even as convenient as it is.

some samsung tvs would autoconnect to open wifi networks, and that couldnt be disabled.

im thinking about getting a nice tv and desoldering the wifi chip, but its kinda intimidating. like would it even display an hdmi feed if the wifi chip is gone

yes, but only if you pay, and the port you get isn’t static, so it changes every certain number of minutes, so you need to find or juryrig something to auto update your torrent client to the right port.