• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


Yes you are right. But as Michael Bazell said just expect that everything you said its going to be leak.

Yes as I said before its not like yes I will use Proton mail for nefarious stuff and expect that Proton will defend you against a government. The user is responsible for their data safety.

I agree with you these people think that Proton will fight and protect you for $11 a month. Lol we really have to keep in mind that companies will comply to a government request its on you to keep your data secure and communications encrypted.

Please tell me of a email service that is government proof. There is none that doesn’t and will never exist. Of course Proton is private and secure as the user is. All of this boils down to the user security hygiene.

How you can be so sure about Apple all of their software and now their hardware is proprietary? They are the only ones that know what’s going behind the scenes. I would not trust Apple at all I prefer Linux over anything.

Zoom terms of service now require you to allow AI to train on ALL your data
Be careful with Zoom guys. Edit: It seems that they have updated their TOS , however I will never trust a company like this , remember with all of this AI going around right now Data is the new oil.

Every company in the world will comply with local laws. What you can do its use Tor to access it so your IP address its safe. Send emails only inside the Proton Network so its end to end encrypted. Use a strong and a Yubikey to access it. But even with all of this if you are doing something highly illegal they will catch you. So understand this there no service in the world that will protect you.

Yes I am worried about that too , but what we can do about it? The more I think about this the less I feel the power to do something against surveillance and what it get into my nerve the most is that the big majority of people just dont care that every day we are losing privacy and our freedom. Just look at the UK trying to pass a bill to have backdoor on encrypted communications.