• 2 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Feb 03, 2021


I see so either don’t cap frame rate or cap it at higher than refresh rate? I’ll try those later today and report back.

Btw choppy game play shows up only after some time of playing, until then game runs smooth.

Frame drops after some time of playing division 2
FPS counter at bottom right shows consistent, however game stutters (feels like low FPS). What can be the causes or how do I start debugging? (Installed ubisoft client through lutris and then added it to steam library)

Oh I just use swipe actions. Tap on comment and swipe left/right, there are 2 actions on each side depending on how much you swipe.

Also voyager was the only client allowing me to increase the font size (when I started using lemmy on phone)

I’ve nano g1 and lilygo echo, both are prebuilt. However I agree bit too big, I’m looking for something without screen and small (there are devices but as you mentioned those are not prebuilt)

Can u check https://meshtastic.org I am looking for something similar and came across this, however I’m not entirely sure yet if this works as I think it does.

1080 TI vs Rx Vega 64 with Pop OS
I'm getting handed down either 1080TI or Rx Vega 64. 1080TI definitely has better benchmarks however how is experience of them being used on Linux (I use Pop OS)? If Rx Vega provides stable / reliable experience then I would pick that. [EDIT/UPDATE]: picked up rx vega, pretty good out of the box experience