I made the icy-nord and icy-nord-darker themes.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023

Is Modding Hogwarts Legacy on Linux Possible?
Hello everyone! I just wanted to ask if its possible to make mods for Hogwarts Legacy entirely on a Linux machine, and if it is if anyone can point me to any resources to get started with setting it up on Linux (guides specific to making actual mods I can probably find easily and I guess will be relevant regardless of if the guide is made on a Windows machine). That's all, and thanks in advance!

I poked around in its settings and it seems to have that feature

I set it as my default search engine on my mobile, and will check it out for some time before committing to all my devices

Ill check startpage out! Also an interesting blog post regarding kagi. Ive never used it in the past, but now i definitely wouldnt ever even consider it.