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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Dec 09, 2023


99% of people will buy the cheaper TV with tracking, it probably not sustainable to sell the expensive one without. This stuff just needs to be banned

The chance that it’s compromised is small but unfortunately the chance that it would be noticed is pretty small too, nobody is reading all the source code of all the apps on fdroid

Wow, I thought the anonymousejoker was deranged but you are at least as crazy if not worse. I guess it makes sense that a niche privacy community would attract such weirdos but you’re (both) making it really hard for people to get quality information.

Yes, if you have a domain you can catch all emails being sent there even if you don’t know the name - having the domain means controlling the bit after the @, so every email address with that ending.

They couldn’t give less of a shit about the 7 people in the world that use pi-holes

I thought it was about having some browser extension that clicks ads on sites without showing the ads to the user. Like a kind of “best of both worlds” for adblocking. So if it’s some blog they read often the ad revenue is probably more like $1 per year.

If you were to use Facebook they can make money off your views even without clicks, just not as much.

Far from true depending on where OP lives. High profile sites (e.g. mainstream social media or streaming) can make $ 5-15 USD per user per month if that user is in favourable demographic (mainly living in a rich country, US or EU). A blog without registration will make way less than that, obviously people are viewing way less ads there than sites they stay on for hours, but it’s still much more than $1 per lifetime.

Google pays as much as 2c per page view for North American viewers in some categories (but realistically more like 0.5c). So $1 is good for a few hundred page views.

They don’t need a carve out for that, police discretion will do

Police discretion will already make an exception for them even it’s not explicitly carved out, there is no silver lining, it’s just more police state shit

Yeah lol of course, they would absolutely love any excuse to do that

But the privacy is just a facade, right? Like with that recent scandal about the government requesting push notification info, Google of all companies was actually only handing it over with valid warrants while Apple was giving it to any law enforcement who asked.