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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


What’s wrong with Tim Cook?

Edit: Downvoted for asking a question, y’all are miserable people.

If you ever once donate to a candidate or sign up for a candidate newsletter, you are forever on some master list and can never get off it. You can unsubscribe from individual candidate lists, but every year when new candidates join, they’ll just put you on those candidate’s lists and you’ll have to unsubscribe all over again. It’s obnoxious as hell and should be illegal. And, I might be interested to hear from a political candidate from time to time, but it’s not like that. They email you up to 5 times a day with annoying click-spammy titles.

Yeah they should’ve made what Proton has.

This is what I love Mozilla for. They can be credited for making this an issue that is getting some attention.

Could be… I paid the $3.50/month and it was included with email, drive, calendar, pages, etc. Really wish proton just included it with their email price instead of requiring you to use ProtonPass or signing up for the more expensive SimpleLogin too.

Yeah, skiff was nice because you got pretty much unlimited quick aliases for free. No need to pre-register them. Basically, you could make one for every company you make an account with:

Ex. somecompany@mysubdomain.maskmy.id

Makes it easy to shut down anyone that doesn’t let you unsubscribe (ie. politicians).

Oh, those are less handy because they still give away your email address

Do they have unlimited quick aliases?

I don’t even use Facebook. In this case, I’m not even receiving any services from them, so they should so stop spying on me. If their answer is “pay us $10/month anyway,” which it seems to be then Facebook is more of a protection racket than a legitimate business.

California could start by forbidding its own DMV from selling this data to data brokers in the fucking first place.