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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Jan 24, 2024


I’m in life sciences and AI was recently disallowed for grant writing or papers because of IP concerns. Additionally the chance of it hallucinating fake papers while unable to evaluate the real ones it trawls through make it difficult at professional level. ML is very helpful in certain design/prediction/ measurement areas but I’m not worried that these type of AI will steal a job. I am a bit worried that learning via these ai will cause issues though.

Boredom is an excuse, reality is no matter where or what you work as there will be boring things involved at some point to some degree. We are hundreds of years past when nobles would sponsor some eclectic dude to do weird science/art just to say they were that weirdos sponsor. You have to be able to work past boredom to function in society.

A “genius” who can’t even write a letter isn’t meaningful. How can they communicate their ideas and thoughts if they can’t write a letter? If Newton never published Principia would we know him? No, we’d have to wait for the guy who could talk and write.