old, stupid

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


would seem to be rather subjective at the individual level. ie, how much is your dignity worth monetarily?

i would think most ‘private’ information is valuable only in aggregate

has no one heard the phrase beggars cant be choosers?

so many people demanding ‘free’ AND… like thats just something that should exist.

say it aint so, beehaw!

is it maybe a flaw in lemmy bleeding email addresses? they are on 0.18.4

i hate apps as well, but there is some efficiency gained in not having to manage the infrastructure required for ‘cards’. its not always about the data mining.

i have ‘utility’ device that is an old cell phone with no cellular access used for this kind of nonsense. i also use it for music (pseudo-ipod)

i picked up a machine just for this purpose. even though im just using outlook in browser, work and personal are air-gapped so to speak.