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Cake day: Jul 26, 2023


Yes, people should not be looking for ways to watch youtube secretly, but support alternative platforms that don’t censor and intimidate people?

Yeah, the title of this post is misinformation. If you read the article it says: “The government, however, has said the bill does not ban end-to-end encryption.” Even in extreme cases it says scanning will be required where “technically feasible.”

People need to relax and pay attention.

They are pretty solid and I trust them. Their spell checker is a bit poor, but Its pretty good for privacy.

You just seem very passionate about the subject. Almost nobody would take that much time to argue in the favor of a small, relatively unknown VPN. But also you suggest that I’m incorrect when I say VPN’s cannot be trusted ultimately. Only someone who was interested in maintaining the “VPN is private” illusion would say that.

Anyway, I don’t care if you do work for a VPN or maybe even own your own. But it’s gonna be hard to push it in privacy forums cuz there are a lot of people who know better. Well, there are also a lot of people who don’t now that I think about it… ;)

I have nothing invested in proving it one way or another. It is something I saw a few years ago, and thought I’d mention it now to warn others. If you think it went from honeypot to non-honeypot, then by all means use it. At the end of the day, you cannot fully trust any traditional VPN because they can do what ever they want and we’d be none the wiser, despite all the big claims. VPN’s are for watching geoblocked movies and stuff like that. That’s about it. If you want privacy, you’ll have to look into other things.

I think Tor is kind of stuck as it is. To really fix it’s issues, a new system needs to be built from scratch. Until then we’ll be working with patches and hacks.

It was a big scandal some years ago and I don’t have the time to look it up for you. You can take it as you like.

It was a big controversy years ago. You can take or leave the info. I don’t have the time to look it up.

Cryptostorm is a honeypot that was discovered years ago. I’m surprised anyone even talks about it still

LibreWolf is about as secure as a browser can get out of the box. Check out the stats here.

IVPN and Mullvad are probably the best VPNs if you simply want to transfer full view of all your internet activity from your ISP to one of these 2 companies. If you want to keep your internet movements private from everyone, use Tor browser. Its slower and doesn’t do udp, but it is much closer to real privacy than the commercial VPNs. Of course, if you are a high priority target of a large nation state, then Tor might not be enough for you, but for most people it works well for those things you want private. If you just want to watch movies, torrent and stuff like that, regular VPNs are the way to go.

The solution is that companies, groups, and individuals simply run their own instances, just like Lemmy. These bills will actually do us good and get us to drop these massive, centralized, communication companies that have all our data and spy on us anyway. We spend all our time asking if this or that company spies on its users or not. Run your own server, there are plenty of high quality open source projects out there to choose from and it’s really not that hard. Run a server for friends and family. People wanna b lazy and then whine…

Unfortunately Switzerland has no power. They were bullied out of the private banking they were famous for and they will get bullied whenever they have info that some other western state wants. Anyway, the privacy benefits they offer are mostly cosmetic. No ruler wants privacy. When we understand that, then we can stop looking for things that don’t exist and start creating solutions.

Signal has much work to do to be a real “privacy” app. Get rid of phone numbers, get rid of metadata, stop contact mining. They say they don’t mine contacts but it is easy for them to do if they wanted to, so I assume they do.

Tor is great but has speed issues and no udp, so no voip. A lot of room for improvement there also. We should welcome all that try to improve on what we have.

F-Droid is not what many think it is. Check this out for some interesting reading.

Signal is wannabe private because of phone number, metadata and contacts mining (even though they say they don’t, they can). Simplex looks promising and the guy is headed in the right direction. As soon as he makes it that the servers cannot correlate which IP is talking to which IP, I will say they are a really good solution. Telling people to use Tor with your app for privacy is not a solution.

Besides that, it is a very well made app that has a nice UI and works very well. Also many good features.

Briar is secure and private and works reliable. However it eats a lot of battery and no audio or video.

Privacy is diametrically opposed to the ability to control the people you rule over, so no state is privacy friendly. There are only degrees of extremism. The poorer countries are more privacy friendly in the world because they lack the resources to spy on everything. If they could they would spy more.

Public chats are, well public. If you are in a public chat then everyone can see what you say. Encryption or any other attempt to make it private are silly here. If you are in a private, encrypted group, then only those people can see what you say (unless someone leaks). If you are in a e2ee personal chat with one other person, then only the 2 of you know what is being said. If you send a regular email that is the same as a postcard and anyone can look at what it says. You choose where and how you want to speak and adjust accordingly.

Just keep dropping Google shit and recommending to others.Critical mass will be hit at some point. There are too many smart and capable people in the world to succumb to a Google world.

Ok bro, you know what I’m saying. Our convo ends here as I certainly don’t have the same amount of free time as you to sit and argue over stupidities. Most people are smarter than me and just ignore people like you. I let myself get sucked in and wasted about 15 minutes of my life. Ignore and block is the way to go with bigots. Lesson learned.

I see what you’re saying, but contrary to Twitter, Brave works very well and has very good security and privacy features. In fact it significantly improves upon Chromium which it is built on top of. It also offers massive improvements over Chrome in the privacy department. So whether he agrees with you that guys can become girls or vice versa, or whether he believes the same narrative that you do regarding corona is simply irrelevant. If you have found a new security or privacy flaw, I would love to hear about it. But pushing your irrelevant opinions on others who are not interested, is unpleasant for us, and a waste of time for you.

Stop with the ad hominem attacks. We are interested in the tech specs and not your personal opinions of what is “right” and “wrong.” Stick to the point, which is privacy and the tech that goes with it.

keepassxc for desktop and for Android: FreeOTP+ (the plus is important)